Traženo po: social norms
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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (5 ) 5
1. članak / article Binge flying : behavioural addiction and climate change ...
Cohen, Scott A.. Binge flying : behavioural addiction and climate change / Scott A. Cohen, James E.S. Higham, Christina T. Cavaliere. - 2011. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 38 (2011), No. 3
2. članak / article Indicators and standards of quality related to seasonal employment in the ski industry ...
Ismert, Mathew. Indicators and standards of quality related to seasonal employment in the ski industry / Mathew Ismert, James F. Petrick. - 2004. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 43 (2004/05), No. 1
3. članak / article Invoking social norms : a social psychology perspective on improving hotels' linen-reuse programs ...
Goldstein, Noah J.. Invoking social norms : a social psychology perspective on improving hotels' linen-reuse programs / Noah J. Goldstein, Vladas Griskevicius, Robert B. Cialdini. - 2007. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 48 (2007), No. 2
4. članak / article Race differences in tipping: testing the role of norm familiarity ...
Lynn, Michael. Race differences in tipping: testing the role of norm familiarity / Michael Lynn. - 2011. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 52 (2011), No. 1
5. članak / article Racial and ethnic differences in tipping: the role of perceived descriptive and injuctive tipping norms ...
Lynn, Michael. Racial and ethnic differences in tipping: the role of perceived descriptive and injuctive tipping norms / Michael Lynn, Zachary W. Brewster. - 2015. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 56 (2015), No. 1
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