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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (68 ) 68
1. članak / article Actividades recreativas en el Parque Hundido del Distrito Federal (Mexico) ...
Flores-Xolocotzi, Ramiro. Actividades recreativas en el Parque Hundido del Distrito Federal (Mexico) / Ramiro Flores-Xolocotzi. - 2011. // Estudios y perspectivas en turismo. Vol. 20 (2011), No. 4
2. članak / article Antiquing as a tourism recreational activity in Southwestern Pennsylvania ...
Grado, Stephen C.. Antiquing as a tourism recreational activity in Southwestern Pennsylvania / Stephen C. Grado, Charles H. Strauss, Bruce E. Lord. - 1997. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 35 (1996/97), No. 3
3. članak / article Application of travel cost model to measure economic value of recreation and tourism resources ...
Cho, Kwang-Ick. Application of travel cost model to measure economic value of recreation and tourism resources / Kwang-Ick Cho, Injae Lee, Turgut Var. - 2001. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 6 (2001), No. 1
4. članak / article Art and health: painting as a recreation process ...
Wilhelmi, Barbara. Art and health: painting as a recreation process / Barbara Wilhelmi. - 1998. // Leisure, culture and tourism in Europe : the challenge for reconstruction and modernisation in communities : [10th ELRA Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 29-October 1, 1997 / ed. by Wolfgang Nahrstedt, Tonka Pancic Kombol
5. članak / article Assessing the economic impact of outdoor recreation travel to the Texas Gulf Coast ...
Assessing the economic impact of outdoor recreation travel to the Texas Gulf Coast / Daniel R. Fesenmaier, Lonnie Jones, Seoho Um, Teofilo Ozuna, Jr.. - 1989. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 28 (1989/90), No. 1
6. knjiga / book Be natural - be active : active tourism in protected and Natura 2000 areas ...
Be natural - be active : active tourism in protected and Natura 2000 areas / Milena Šijan. - Split, 2016
7. članak / article Book review : Tourism, recreation, and sustainability, 2nd ed. ...
Edgell, David L.. Book review : Tourism, recreation, and sustainability, 2nd ed. / edited by Stephen McCool and Neil Moisey. - 2009. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 36 (2009), No. 4
8. članak / article Book review : Tourism, recreation and sustainability: linking culture and the environment ...
Shani, Amir. Book review : Tourism, recreation and sustainability: linking culture and the environment / Stephen F. McCool and R. Neil Moisey (editors). - 2010. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 15 (2010), No. 5
9. knjiga / book Budi prirodan - budi aktivan : aktivni turizam u zaštićenim i Natura 2000 područjima ...
Budi prirodan - budi aktivan : aktivni turizam u zaštićenim i Natura 2000 područjima / Milena Šijan. - Split, 2016
10. članak / article Differences between tourism and recreation in parks ...
McKercher, Bob. Differences between tourism and recreation in parks / Bob McKercher. - 1996. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 23 (1996), No. 3
11. članak / article Do respondents report willingness-to-pay on a per person or per group basis? A high mountain recreation example ...
Keske, Catherine M. H.. Do respondents report willingness-to-pay on a per person or per group basis? A high mountain recreation example / Catherine M. H. Keske, Greta Lohman, John B. Loomis. - 2013. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 19 (2013), No. 1
12. članak / article Early-life outdoor experiences and involvement in outdoor recreational activities in adulthood: a case study of visitors in Da-Keng, Taiwan ...
Wang, Wei-Ching. Early-life outdoor experiences and involvement in outdoor recreational activities in adulthood: a case study of visitors in Da-Keng, Taiwan / Wei-Ching Wang, Chung-Chi Wu, Chang-Yang Wu. - 2013. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 14 (2013), No. 1-2
13. članak / article Ecology, recreation and tourism ...
Ecology, recreation and tourism / Geoffrey Wall. - 1988. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 15 (1988), No. 2
14. članak / article Economic evaluation of recreation and tourism in natural areas: a case study in New South Wales, Australia ...
Carlsen, Jack. Economic evaluation of recreation and tourism in natural areas: a case study in New South Wales, Australia / Jack Carlsen. - 1997. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 3 (1997), No. 3
15. članak / article Effects on consumer welfare of visitor satisfaction with recreation information availability: a case study of the Allegheny National Forest ...
Effects on consumer welfare of visitor satisfaction with recreation information availability: a case study of the Allegheny National Forest / Seong-Hoon Cho ... [et al.]. - 2015. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 21 (2015), No. 4
16. članak / article Estimating consumer's willingness-to-pay for participation in and traveling to marathon events ...
Wicker, Pamela. Estimating consumer's willingness-to-pay for participation in and traveling to marathon events / Pamela Wicker, Kirstin Hallmann. - 2013. // Event management : an international journal. Vol. 17 (2013), No. 3
17. članak / article Estimating the economic benefits from outdoor recreation on a scenic route: the Ponale Road ...
Notaro, Sandra. Estimating the economic benefits from outdoor recreation on a scenic route: the Ponale Road / Sandra Notaro, Maria de Salvo. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 14 (2009), No. 3
18. članak / article Geotermalne vode Republike Hrvatske: korištenje i turistička valorizacija ...
Kovačić, Miron. Geotermalne vode Republike Hrvatske: korištenje i turistička valorizacija / Miron Kovačić, Staša Borović, Izidora Marković. // Hrvatske vode pred izazovom klimatskih promjena : zbornik radova = Croatian waters facing the challenge of climate changes : proceedings / 5. hrvatska konferencija o vodama s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem = 5th Croatian water conference with international participation ; uredništvo Danko Biondić, Danko Holjević, Ljudevit Tropan
19. članak / article Holistic tourism: journeys of the self? ...
Smith, Melanie. Holistic tourism: journeys of the self? / Melanie Smith, Catherine Kelly. - 2006. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 31 (2006), No. 1
20. članak / article Hospitality and leisure/recreation: towards an understanding of an emerging partnership serving the tourism industry ...
Hobson, J.S. Perry. Hospitality and leisure/recreation: towards an understanding of an emerging partnership serving the tourism industry / J.S. Perry Hobson, Joseph D. Teaff. - 1994. // Journal of hospitality & leisure marketing : the international forum for research, theory & practice. Vol. 2 (1994), No. 1
21. članak / article Household composition and the importance of experience attributes of nature based tourism activity products - a Norwegian case study of outdoor recreationists ...
Tangeland, Torvald. Household composition and the importance of experience attributes of nature based tourism activity products - a Norwegian case study of outdoor recreationists / Torvald Tangeland, Olystein Aas. - 2011. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 32 (2011), No. 4
22. članak / article Importance of sport and recreation activities for tourism: the case of Croatia ...
Boranić Živoder, Snježana. Importance of sport and recreation activities for tourism: the case of Croatia / Snježana Boranić Živoder, Sanda Čorak. - 2014. // Sport tourism: new challenges in a globalized world. Proceedings of the Sport Tourism Conference 2014
23. članak / article Incentive travel : recreation as a motivational medium ...
Ricci, Peter R.. Incentive travel : recreation as a motivational medium / Peter R. Ricci, Stephen M. Holland. - 1992. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 13 (1992), No. 3
24. članak / article Individual tourists from the Chinese Mainland to Hong Kong: implications for tourism marketing in fashion ...
Individual tourists from the Chinese Mainland to Hong Kong: implications for tourism marketing in fashion / Shuk-Ching lLiu ... [et al.]. - 2011. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 17 (2011), No. 6
25. članak / article Leisure education, culture and tourism for citizens and professionals: goals and strategies ...
Ruskin, Hillel. Leisure education, culture and tourism for citizens and professionals: goals and strategies / Hillel Ruskin. - 1998. // Leisure, culture and tourism in Europe : the challenge for reconstruction and modernisation in communities : [10th ELRA Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 29-October 1, 1997 / ed. by Wolfgang Nahrstedt, Tonka Pancic Kombol
26. članak / article Leisure in an urban environment - a perspective of university students ...
Yang, Shan. Leisure in an urban environment - a perspective of university students / Shan Yang, Honggen Xiao, Chau Yeung Tse. - 2011. // Journal of China tourism research. Vol. 7 (2011), No. 2
27. članak / article Leisure, recreation and tourism in Western Europe ...
Travis, A.S.. Leisure, recreation and tourism in Western Europe / A.S. Travis. - 1982. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 3 (1982), No. 1
28. članak / article Operationalization of the resource investments construct of recreational sport event ...
Okayasu, Isao. Operationalization of the resource investments construct of recreational sport event / Isao Okayasu, Haruo Nogawa, Duarte B. Morais. - 2009. // Event management : an international journal. Vol. 12 (2009), No. 3-4
29. članak / article Outdoor recreation management ...
Outdoor recreation management / Ralf Buckley. - 2001. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 22 (2001), No. 4
30. Panonski turizam: stručno osposobljavanje za kvalitetni panonski turizam. Modul I. : turizam i rekreacija ...
Panonski turizam: stručno osposobljavanje za kvalitetni panonski turizam. Modul I. : turizam i rekreacija / autor: Eduard Kušen. - Zagreb, 2007 / XI
31. članak / article Perceptions of outdoor recreation opportunities and support for tourism development ...
Lankford, Samuel V.. Perceptions of outdoor recreation opportunities and support for tourism development / Samuel V. Lankford, Al Williams, Jill Knowles-Lankford. - 1997. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 35 (1996/97), No. 3
32. članak / article Perspektive, stavovi i percepcije rekreativaca o upravljanju nacionalnim parkovima u Šri Lanki ...
Perera, Priyan. Perspektive, stavovi i percepcije rekreativaca o upravljanju nacionalnim parkovima u Šri Lanki / Priyan Perera, Madusha C. Senevirthna, Richard P. Vlosky. - 2015. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 63 (2015), br. 4
33. članak / article Playing and learning - new German models ...
Klimpel, Jürgen. Playing and learning - new German models / Jürgen Klimpel. - 1998. // Leisure, culture and tourism in Europe : the challenge for reconstruction and modernisation in communities : [10th ELRA Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 29-October 1, 1997 / ed. by Wolfgang Nahrstedt, Tonka Pancic Kombol
34. članak / article Povezanost meteoroloških prilika i rekreacije na zelenim površinama grada: primjer parka Maksimir u Zagrebu ...
Opačić, Vuk Tvrtko. Povezanost meteoroloških prilika i rekreacije na zelenim površinama grada: primjer parka Maksimir u Zagrebu / Vuk Tvrtko Opačić, Nika Dolenc. - 2016. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 64 (2016), br. 3
35. članak / article Prikaz knjige : Kineziološka rekreacija / Mirna Andrijašević ...
Kušen, Eduard. Prikaz knjige : Kineziološka rekreacija / Mirna Andrijašević. - 2010. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 58 (2010), br. 4
36. članak / article Recreation and Park congress ...
Mclellan, Robert. Recreation and Park congress / Robert Mclellan, Muzaffar Uysal. - 1986. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 13 (1986), No. 2
37. članak / article Recreational needs and service performance expectations ...
Gnoth, Juergen. Recreational needs and service performance expectations / Juergen Gnoth, Brett Martin. - 2014. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 19 (2014), No. 4
38. članak / article Recreational value, user heterogeneity and site characteristics in contingent valuation ...
Rulleau, Benedicte. Recreational value, user heterogeneity and site characteristics in contingent valuation / Benedicte Rulleau, Jeoffrey Dehez, Patrick Point. - 2012. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 33 (2012), No. 1
39. članak / article Recreationist perspectives, attitudes, and perceptions towards national park management in Sri Lanka ...
Perera, Priyan. Recreationist perspectives, attitudes, and perceptions towards national park management in Sri Lanka / Priyan Perera, Madusha C. Senevirthna, Richard P. Vlosky. - 2015. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 63 (2015), No. 4
40. članak / article Second home owners' intention to purchase nature-based tourism activity products - a Norwegian case study ...
Tangeland, Torvald. Second home owners' intention to purchase nature-based tourism activity products - a Norwegian case study / Torvald Tangeland, Birger Vennesland, Erlend Nybakk. - 2013. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 36 (2013)
41. članak / article Sedentary behavior of the nontravel segment: a research note ...
Litvin, Stephen W.. Sedentary behavior of the nontravel segment: a research note / Stephen W. Litvin, Wayne W. Smith, Robert E. Pitts. - 2013. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 52 (2013), No. 1
42. članak / article Segmentation of cycling event participants: a two-step cluster method utilizing recreation specialization ...
Lamont, Matthew. Segmentation of cycling event participants: a two-step cluster method utilizing recreation specialization / Matthew Lamont, John Jenkins. - 2013. // Event management : an international journal. Vol. 17 (2013), No. 4
43. članak / article Sportsko-rekreacijske građevine i tereni za mlade ...
Kušen, Eduard. Sportsko-rekreacijske građevine i tereni za mlade / Eduard Kušen. // Kineziološki sadržaji i društveni život mladih : zbornik radova / Međunarodna znanstveno-stručna konferencija, 27. veljače 2010. ; urednici Mirna Andrijašević, Danijel Jurakić
44. članak / article Sportsko-rekreacijski sadržaji u funkciji unapređenja hrvatskog turizma ...
Vrtiprah, Vesna. Sportsko-rekreacijski sadržaji u funkciji unapređenja hrvatskog turizma / Vesna Vrtiprah. - 2001. // Ekonomska misao i praksa : časopis Fakulteta za turizam i vanjsku trgovinu Dubrovnik OTPIS 2019, 2021, 2022. God. 10 (2001), br. 1
45. članak / article Taking leisure seriously ...
Leslie, David. Taking leisure seriously / David Leslie. - 1994. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 15 (1994), No. 4
46. članak / article Targeting rural tourists in the internet: comparing travel motivation and activity-based segments ...
Pesonen, Juho A.. Targeting rural tourists in the internet: comparing travel motivation and activity-based segments / Juho Antti Pesonen. - 2015. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 32 (2015), No. 3-4
47. članak / article The connection between meteorological conditions and recreation in green spaces of the city: a case study of Maksimir Park in Zagreb ...
Opačić, Vuk Tvrtko. The connection between meteorological conditions and recreation in green spaces of the city: a case study of Maksimir Park in Zagreb / Vuk Tvrtko Opačić, Nika Dolenc. - 2016. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 64 (2016), No. 3
48. članak / article The convergence of outdoor recreation and tourism research ...
Gramann, James. The convergence of outdoor recreation and tourism research / James Gramann. - 1988. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 15 (1988), No. 2
49. članak / article The evolution and transformation of camping and coastal campgrounds in Antalya, Turkey ...
Dogantan, Ece. The evolution and transformation of camping and coastal campgrounds in Antalya, Turkey / Ece Dogantan, Seher Gülenç, Nazmi Kozak. - 2017. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 65 (2017), No. 1
50. članak / article The experiences of long distance walking: a case study of West Hoghland Way in Scotland ...
den Breejen, Lysiane. The experiences of long distance walking: a case study of West Hoghland Way in Scotland / Lysiane den Breejen. - 2007. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 28 (2007), No. 6
51. članak / article The geography of tourism and recreation:environment, place, and space ...
The geography of tourism and recreation:environment, place, and space / Adam Weaver. - 2007. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 34 (2007), No. 1
52. članak / article The influence of personal values in the economic-use valuation of peri-urban green spaces: an application of the means-end chain theory ...
Lopez-Mosquera, Natalia. The influence of personal values in the economic-use valuation of peri-urban green spaces: an application of the means-end chain theory / Natalia Lopez-Mosquera, Mercedes Sanchez. - 2011. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 32 (2011), No. 4
53. članak / article The making of a journal : 40 years of Tourism Recreation Research ...
Singh, Tej Vir. The making of a journal : 40 years of Tourism Recreation Research / Tej Vir Singh. - 2014. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 39 (2014), No. 3
54. članak / article The new economics of outdoor recreation ...
The new economics of outdoor recreation / Thomas J. Iverson. - 2005. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 26 (2005), No. 5
55. članak / article The relationship between daily and vacation activities ...
Brey, Eric T.. The relationship between daily and vacation activities / Eric T. Brey, Xinran Y. Lehto. - 2007. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 34 (2007), No. 1
56. članak / article Tourism and recreation ...
Tourism and recreation / Ross K. Dowling. - 2004. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 25 (2004), No. 5
57. knjiga / book Tourism and recreation handbook of planning and design ...
Tourism and recreation handbook of planning and design / Manuel Baud-Bovy, Fred Lawson. - 2nd ed. - Oxford ... [etc.], 1998
58. članak / article Tourist satisfaction with forest recreation experience: a segment-based approach ...
Lee, Cheng-Fei. Tourist satisfaction with forest recreation experience: a segment-based approach / Cheng-Fei Lee. - 2015. // Anatolia : an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Vol. 26 (2015), No. 4
59. članak / article Trails for tourism and outdoor recreation: A systematic literature review ...
Godtman Kling, Kristin. Trails for tourism and outdoor recreation: A systematic literature review / Kristin Godtman Kling, Peter Fredman ,Sandra Wall-Reinius. - 2017. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 65 (2017), No. 4
60. članak / article Travel and leisure activity participation ...
Smith, Wayne W.. Travel and leisure activity participation / Wayne W. Smith, Robert E. Pitts, Stephen W. Litvin. - 2012. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 39 (2012), No. 4
61. knjiga / book Trends in outdoor recreation, leisure and tourism ...
Trends in outdoor recreation, leisure and tourism / ed. by William C. Gartner, David W. Lime. - Wallingford, 2000
62. knjiga / book Understanding leisure ...
Understanding leisure / Les Haywood, Frank Kew, Peter Bramham ... [et al.]. - London ... [et al.], 1989
63. članak / article Valuing outdoor recreation activities using a meta-analysis model in China: an empirical study ...
Valuing outdoor recreation activities using a meta-analysis model in China: an empirical study / Erda Wang ... [et al.]. - 2013. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 19 (2013), No. 2
64. članak / article Weather, climate and tourism : a geographical perspective ...
Gomez Martin, Belen. Weather, climate and tourism : a geographical perspective / Belen Gomez Martin. - 2005. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 32 (2005), No. 3
65. članak / article Wellness tourism: retreat visitor motivations and experiences ...
Kelly, Catherine. Wellness tourism: retreat visitor motivations and experiences / Catherine Kelly. - 2012. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 37 (2012), No. 3
66. članak / article Widening tourism policy: the prospects of sport activities for recreation in Crete, a primary investigation ...
Karagiannis, Stephanos. Widening tourism policy: the prospects of sport activities for recreation in Crete, a primary investigation / Stephanos Karagiannis. - 2006. // Tourism review = Revue de tourisme = Zeitschrift für Fremdenverkehr. Vol. 61 (2006), No. 4
67. članak / article Wildland recreation : ecology and management ...
Wildland recreation : ecology and management / Geoffrey Wall. - 1988. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 15 (1988), No. 2
68. članak / article Yoga tourism as a niche within the wellness tourism market ...
Yoga tourism as a niche within the wellness tourism market / Xinran Y. Lehto ... [et al.]. - 2006. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 31 (2006), No. 1
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