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1. članak / article Interpreting franchisors' preferences in the travel agency industry: the case of Spain ...
Ramirez-Hurtado, J. M.. Interpreting franchisors' preferences in the travel agency industry: the case of Spain / J. M. Ramirez-Hurtado, F. M. Guerrero-Casas, F. J. Rondan-Cataluna. - 2011. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 16 (2011), No. 5
2. članak / article Mesurer l'image d'une destination - une approche par les attributs perçus ...
Gallerza, Martina G.. Mesurer l'image d'une destination - une approche par les attributs perçus / Martina G. Gallerza, Irene Gil Saura, Haydee Calderón Garcia. - 2001. // Tourism review = Revue de tourisme = Zeitschrift für Fremdenverkehr. Vol. 56 (2001), No. 1-2
3. članak / article Students' use of social media during the travel process ...
Nemec Rudež, Helena. Students' use of social media during the travel process / Helena Nemec Rudež, Ksenija Vodeb. - 2015. // Tourism and hospitality management OTPIS 2021. Vol. 21 (2015), No. 2
4. članak / article The attractiveness and competitiveness of tourist destinations: a study of Southern Italian regions ...
Cracolici, Maria Francesca. The attractiveness and competitiveness of tourist destinations: a study of Southern Italian regions / Maria Francesca Cracolici, Peter Nijkamp. - 2009. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 30 (2009), No. 3
5. članak / article The economic structure of world tourism ...
Vu, Jo Chau. The economic structure of world tourism / Jo Chau Vu, Lindsay Turner. - 2009. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 15 (2009), No. 1
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