Traženo po: panel data analysis
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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (2 ) 2
1. članak / article Do political instability, terrorism, and corruption have deterring effects on tourism development even in the presence of UNESCO heritage? A cross-country panel estimate ...
Yap, Ghialy. Do political instability, terrorism, and corruption have deterring effects on tourism development even in the presence of UNESCO heritage? A cross-country panel estimate / Ghialy Yap, Shrabani Saha. - 2013. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 18 (2013), No. 5
2. članak / article International tourism and trade flows: a causality analysis using panel data ...
Keum, Kiyong. International tourism and trade flows: a causality analysis using panel data / Kiyong Keum. - 2011. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 17 (2011), No. 5
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