Traženo po: measurement scale development
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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (3 ) 3
1. članak / article Developing a measurement scale for constraints to cruising ...
Hung, Kam. Developing a measurement scale for constraints to cruising / Kam Hung, James F. Petrick. - 2010. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 37 (2010), No. 1
2. članak / article Experiencing Buddhism in Chinese hotels: toward the construction of a religious lodging experience ...
Hung, Kam. Experiencing Buddhism in Chinese hotels: toward the construction of a religious lodging experience / Kam Hung. - 2015. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 32 (2015), No. 7-8
3. članak / article Why do you cruise? Exploring the motivations for taking cruise holidays, and the construction of a cruising motivation scale ...
Hung, Kam. Why do you cruise? Exploring the motivations for taking cruise holidays, and the construction of a cruising motivation scale / Kam Hung, James F. Petrick. - 2011. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 32 (2011), No. 2
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