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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (48 ) 48
1. članak / article A comparative analysis of the pricing systems of nature reserves ...
Becker, Nir. A comparative analysis of the pricing systems of nature reserves / Nir Becker. - 2009. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 15 (2009), No. 1
2. članak / article An application of hedonic pricing analysis to the case of hotel rooms in Taipei ...
Chen, Ching-Fu. An application of hedonic pricing analysis to the case of hotel rooms in Taipei / Ching-Fu Chen, R. Rothschild. - 2010. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 16 (2010), No. 3
3. članak / article An economic model for tourism destinations: product sophistication and price coordination ...
Andergassen, Rainer. An economic model for tourism destinations: product sophistication and price coordination / Rainer Andergassen, Guido Candela, Paolo Figini. - 2013. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 37 (2013)
4. članak / article An evaluation of price measures in tourism demand models ...
Oh, Chi-Ok. An evaluation of price measures in tourism demand models / Chi-Ok Oh, Robert B. Ditton. - 2005. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 10 (2005), No. 3
5. članak / article An investigation of perceptions of social equity and price acceptability judgments for campers in the U.S. national forest ...
An investigation of perceptions of social equity and price acceptability judgments for campers in the U.S. national forest / Jungkoo Park ... [et al.]. - 2010. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 31 (2010), No. 2
6. članak / article Anomaly in Spanish tourist sensitivity ...
Nicolau, Juan L.. Anomaly in Spanish tourist sensitivity / Juan L. Nicolau. - 2010. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 16 (2010), No. 4
7. članak / article Applied multivariate forecasting model to tourism industry ...
Hsu, Li-Chang. Applied multivariate forecasting model to tourism industry / Li-Chang Hsu, Chao-Hung Wang. - 2008. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 56 (2008), No. 2
8. članak / article Are loyal visitors desired visitors? ...
Petrick, James F.. Are loyal visitors desired visitors? / James F. Petrick. - 2004. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 25 (2004), No. 4
9. članak / article Buying high and selling low : in the lodging-property market ...
Corgel, John B.. Buying high and selling low : in the lodging-property market / John B. Corgel, Jan A. deRoos. - 1994. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 35 (1994), No. 6
10. knjiga / book Cijene hotelskih usluga kao instrument turističke politike u Jugoslaviji : magistarski rad ...
Cijene hotelskih usluga kao instrument turističke politike u Jugoslaviji : magistarski rad / Krešimir Tadej. - Zagreb, 1973/12
11. članak / article Coastal and inland reference prices - a differentiated effect ...
Nicolau, Juan L.. Coastal and inland reference prices - a differentiated effect / Juan L. Nicolau. - 2011. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 17 (2011), No. 5
12. članak / article Differentiated price loss aversion in destination choice: the effect of tourists' cultural interest ...
Nicolau, Juan L.. Differentiated price loss aversion in destination choice: the effect of tourists' cultural interest / Juan L. Nicolau. - 2011. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 32 (2011), No. 5
13. članak / article Distance models for New Zealand international tourists and the role of transport prices ...
Becken, Susanne. Distance models for New Zealand international tourists and the role of transport prices / Susanne Becken, Aaron Schiff. - 2011. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 50 (2011), No. 3
14. članak / article Estimating consumer's willingness-to-pay for participation in and traveling to marathon events ...
Wicker, Pamela. Estimating consumer's willingness-to-pay for participation in and traveling to marathon events / Pamela Wicker, Kirstin Hallmann. - 2013. // Event management : an international journal. Vol. 17 (2013), No. 3
15. članak / article Foreign travel and tourism prices and demand ...
Sunday, Alexander A.. Foreign travel and tourism prices and demand / Alexander A. Sunday. - 1978. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 5 (1978), No. 2
16. članak / article Hedonic price models and sun-and-beach package tours: the Norwegian case ...
Thrane, Christer. Hedonic price models and sun-and-beach package tours: the Norwegian case / Christer Thrane. - 2005. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 43 (2004/05), No. 3
17. članak / article Hedonic pricing and willingness to pay for bed and breakfast amenities in southeast Wisconsin ...
Monty, Ben. Hedonic pricing and willingness to pay for bed and breakfast amenities in southeast Wisconsin / Ben Monty, Mark Skidmore. - 2003. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 42 (2003/04), No. 2
18. članak / article Hospitality managers' price-ending beliefs: a survey and applications ...
Schindler, Robert M.. Hospitality managers' price-ending beliefs: a survey and applications / Robert M. Schindler, H.G. Parsa, Sandra Naipaul. - 2011. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 52 (2011), No. 4
19. članak / article Implicit prices for longer temporary exhibitions in a heritage site and a test of preference heterogeneity: a segmentation-based approach ...
Choi, Andy S.. Implicit prices for longer temporary exhibitions in a heritage site and a test of preference heterogeneity: a segmentation-based approach / Andy S. Choi. - 2011. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 32 (2011), No. 3
20. članak / article Irish pubs and dream cafes: tourism, tradition and modernity in Nepal's Khumbu (Everest) region ...
Nepal, Sanjay K.. Irish pubs and dream cafes: tourism, tradition and modernity in Nepal's Khumbu (Everest) region / Sanjay K. Nepal. - 2015. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 40 (2015), No. 2
21. članak / article Is there an economic rent for island hotels? ...
Prieto-Rodriguez, Juan. Is there an economic rent for island hotels? / Juan Prieto-Rodriguez, Manuel Gonzalez-Diaz. - 2008. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 14 (2008), No. 1
22. članak / article Local communities' attitudes towards impacts of tourism development in Egypt ...
Eraqi, Mohammed I.. Local communities' attitudes towards impacts of tourism development in Egypt / Mohammed I. Eraqi. - 2007. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 12 (2007), No. 3
23. članak / article Low-cost airlines - an international overview ...
Donne, Michael. Low-cost airlines - an international overview / Michael Donne. - 2003. // Travel and tourism analyst. (2003), No. 5
24. članak / article Managing tourism products and destinations embedding public good components: a hedonic approach ...
Rigall-I-Torrent, Ricard. Managing tourism products and destinations embedding public good components: a hedonic approach / Ricard Rigall-I-Torrent, Modest Fluvia. - 2011. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 32 (2011), No. 2
25. članak / article Monetary and non-monetary efforts for leisure activities ...
Nicolau, Juan L.. Monetary and non-monetary efforts for leisure activities / Juan L. Nicolau. - 2011. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 38 (2011), No. 3
26. članak / article Optimal combination of marketing instruments as a basis for tourist destination strategic management ...
Županović, Ivo. Optimal combination of marketing instruments as a basis for tourist destination strategic management / Ivo Zupanovic. - 2007. // Tourism and hospitality management OTPIS 2021. Vol. 13 (2007), No. 3
27. članak / article Optimal pricing strategy of a small or medium-sized hotel in cooperation with a web site ...
Ling, Liuyi. Optimal pricing strategy of a small or medium-sized hotel in cooperation with a web site / Liuyi Ling, Xiaolong Guo, Liang Liang. - 2011. // Journal of China tourism research. Vol. 7 (2011), No. 1
28. članak / article Perceived fairness of demand-based pricing for restaurants ...
Kimes, Sheryl E.. Perceived fairness of demand-based pricing for restaurants / Sheryl E. Kimes, Jochen Wirtz. - 2002. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 43 (2002), No. 1
29. članak / article Politika cijena u hotelskom marketingu ...
Pančić Kombol, Tonka. Politika cijena u hotelskom marketingu / Tonka Pančić Kombol. - 1996. // Tourism and hospitality management OTPIS 2021. Vol. 2 (1996), No. 1
30. članak / article Price dispersion: an empirical analysis in the tour operating industry ...
Alegre, Joaquín. Price dispersion: an empirical analysis in the tour operating industry / Joaquin Alegre, Maria Sard. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 14 (2009), No. 3
31. članak / article Price fairness and its asymmetric effects on overall price, quality, and value judgments : the case of an upscale hotel ...
Oh, Haemoon. Price fairness and its asymmetric effects on overall price, quality, and value judgments : the case of an upscale hotel / Haemoon Oh. - 2003. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 24 (2003), No. 4
32. članak / article Primijenjeni model multivarijatnog prognoziranja u turizmu ...
Hsu, Li-Chang. Primijenjeni model multivarijatnog prognoziranja u turizmu / Li-Chang Hsu, Chao-Hung Wang. - 2008. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 56 (2008), br. 2
33. članak / article Room rates of U.S. airport hotels: examining the dual effects of proximities ...
Lee, Seul Ki. Room rates of U.S. airport hotels: examining the dual effects of proximities / Seul Ki Lee, SooCheong (Shawn) Jang. - 2011. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 50 (2011), No. 2
34. članak / article Strategic-pricing policy based on analysis of service attributes ...
Strategic-pricing policy based on analysis of service attributes / Ching-Chow Yang ... [et al.]. - 2009. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 50 (2009), No. 4
35. članak / article The endogenous nature of price variables in tourism demand studies ...
Kim, Youngtae. The endogenous nature of price variables in tourism demand studies / Youngtae Kim, Muzaffer Uysal. - 1997. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 2 (1997), No. 1
36. članak / article The impact of challenges in household vacatiion expenditures on the travel and hospitality industries ...
Fleischer, Aliza. The impact of challenges in household vacatiion expenditures on the travel and hospitality industries / Aliza Fleischer, Gil Peleg, Judith Rivlin (Byk). - 2011. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 32 (2011), No. 4
37. članak / article The impact of hotel pricing policies on perceived fairness and satisfaction with the reservation process ...
Mattila, Anna S.. The impact of hotel pricing policies on perceived fairness and satisfaction with the reservation process / Anna S. Mattila, Sunmee Choi. - 2005. // Journal of hospitality & leisure marketing : the international forum for research, theory & practice. Vol. 13 (2005), No. 1
38. članak / article The importance of consumer guide information to management: the mobil ''check'' and hotel pricing behavior ...
Henley, James A.. The importance of consumer guide information to management: the mobil ''check'' and hotel pricing behavior / James A. Henley, Michael J. Cotter, J. Duncan Herrington. - 2004. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 9 (2004), No. 3
39. članak / article The influence of distance and prices on the choice of tourist destinations: the moderating role of motivations ...
Nicolau, Juan L.. The influence of distance and prices on the choice of tourist destinations: the moderating role of motivations / Juan L. Nicolau, Francisco J. Mas. - 2006. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 27 (2006), No. 5
40. članak / article The influence of low-fare airlines on vacation choices of students: results of a stated portfolio choice experiment ...
Grigolon, Anna B.. The influence of low-fare airlines on vacation choices of students: results of a stated portfolio choice experiment / Anna B. Grigolon, Astrid D.A.M. Kemperman, Harry J.P. Timmermans. - 2012. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 33 (2012), No. 5
41. članak / article The relationship between the hotel rating system, service quality improvement, and hotel performance changes: a canonical analysis of hotels in Thailand ...
Narangajavana, Yeamdao. The relationship between the hotel rating system, service quality improvement, and hotel performance changes: a canonical analysis of hotels in Thailand / Yeamdao Narangajavana, Bo Hu. - 2008. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 9 (2008), No. 1
42. članak / article The underpricing of initial public offerings in the Chinese tourism industry ...
Chen, Su-Jane. The underpricing of initial public offerings in the Chinese tourism industry / Su-Jane Chen, Ming-Hsiang Chen. - 2010. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 16 (2010), No. 3
43. članak / article The yield-management approach to hotel-room pricing ...
Relihan, Walter J., III. The yield-management approach to hotel-room pricing / Walter J. Relihan III. - 1989. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 30 (1989), No. 1
44. članak / article Tourist loyalty to tour operator: effects of price promotions and tourist effort ...
Campo, Sara. Tourist loyalty to tour operator: effects of price promotions and tourist effort / Sara Campo, Maria J. Yague. - 2008. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 46 (2007/08), No. 3
45. članak / article Tourists' acceptance of Euro pricing: conjoint measurement with random coefficients ...
Mazanec, Josef A.. Tourists' acceptance of Euro pricing: conjoint measurement with random coefficients / Josef A. Mazanec. - 2002. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 23 (2002), No. 3
46. članak / article Using action-grids in tourism management ...
Huan, Tzung-Cheng. Using action-grids in tourism management / Tzung-Cheng Huan, Jay Beaman, Lori B. Shelby. - 2002. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 23 (2002), No. 3
47. članak / article Using the panel cointegration approach to analyse the determinants of tourism demand in South Africa ...
Seetanah, Boopen. Using the panel cointegration approach to analyse the determinants of tourism demand in South Africa / Boopen Seetanah, Ramesh Durbarry, J. F. Nicolas Ragodoo. - 2010. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 16 (2010), No. 3
48. članak / article Utvrđivanje adekvatne razine cijena u objektima turističko-ugostiteljske ponude ...
Kunst, Ivo. Utvrđivanje adekvatne razine cijena u objektima turističko-ugostiteljske ponude / Ivo Kunst, Sanja Čižmar. - 1992. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 40 (1992), br. 1-2
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