Traženo po: indigenous people
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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (4 ) 4
1. članak / article Administrative arrangements and displacement compensation in top-down tourism planning - a case from Hainan Province, China ...
Wang, Yang. Administrative arrangements and displacement compensation in top-down tourism planning - a case from Hainan Province, China / Yand Wang, Geoffrey Wall. - 2007. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 28 (2007), No. 1
2. članak / article Capturing intangible cultural impacts of tourism on Aboriginal land in Australia's Kimberley Region ...
Scherrer, Pascal. Capturing intangible cultural impacts of tourism on Aboriginal land in Australia's Kimberley Region / Pascal Scherrer, Kim Doohan. - 2011. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 36 (2011), No. 3
3. članak / article Performing traditional dances for modern tourists in the Amazon ...
Ingles, Palma. Performing traditional dances for modern tourists in the Amazon / Palma Ingles. - 2000. // International journal of hospitality and tourism administration. Vol. 1 (2000), No. 3-4
4. članak / article Touring mines and mining tourists ...
Pretes, Michael. Touring mines and mining tourists / Michael Pretes. - 2002. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 29 (2002), No. 2
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