Traženo po: finance
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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (7 ) 7
1. knjiga / book Financial management for the hospitality industry ...
Financial management for the hospitality industry / William P. Andrew, Raymond S. Schmidgall. - East Lansing, 1993
2. knjiga / book International M and A, joint ventures, and beyond : doing the deal ...
International M and A, joint ventures, and beyond : doing the deal / David J. BenDaniel, Arthur H. Rosenbloom. - New York ; Chichester, 1998. - (Wiley frontiers in finance)
3. knjiga / book Pre-contract studies : development economics, tendering and estimating ...
Pre-contract studies : development economics, tendering and estimating / Allan Ashworth. - Harlow, 1996. - (CIOB education framework textbook)
4. knjiga / book The portable MBA in finance and accounting ...
The portable MBA in finance and accounting / John Leslie Livingstone. - 2nd ed. - New York, 1992
5. knjiga / book Understanding company's finances : a graphic approach ...
Understanding company's finances : a graphic approach / W. R. Purcell. - Boston, 1981
6. članak / article Updated benchmarks for projecting fixed and variable components of hotel financial performance ...
Rushmore, Stephen. Updated benchmarks for projecting fixed and variable components of hotel financial performance / Stephen Rushmore, John W. O'Neill. - 2015. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 56 (2015), No. 1
7. knjiga / book Venture capital in Europe ...
Venture capital in Europe / Harry Cowie. - London, 1999
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