Traženo po: customer services
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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (6 ) 6
1. knjiga / book Best practices in customer services ...
Best practices in customer services / edited by Ron Zemke and John A. Woods. - New York, 1999
2. knjiga / book Breakthrough customer service : best practices of leaders in customer support ...
Breakthrough customer service : best practices of leaders in customer support / editor and contributor Stanley A. Brown. - Toronto, 1997
3. knjiga / book Keeping the edge : giving customers the service they demand ...
Keeping the edge : giving customers the service they demand / Dick Schaaf. - New York, 1995
4. knjiga / book Service management and marketing : a customer relationship management aproach ...
Service management and marketing : a customer relationship management aproach / Christian Gronroos. - 2nd ed. - Chichester, 2000
5. knjiga / book The expirience economy : work is theatre & every business a stage ...
The expirience economy : work is theatre & every business a stage / B. Joseph Pine and James H. Gilmore. - Boston, 1999
6. knjiga / book The Northbound train : finding the purpose setting the direction shaping the destiny of your organization ...
The Northbound train : finding the purpose setting the direction shaping the destiny of your organization / Karl Albrecht. - New York, 1994
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