Traženo po: community perceptions
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zapisa / records: 37444 pogodaka / hits: (3 ) 3
1. članak / article Cultural values in conflict: case study from Ngadha, Flores, Indonesia ...
Cole, Stroma. Cultural values in conflict: case study from Ngadha, Flores, Indonesia / Stroma Cole. - 2004. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 52 (2004), No. 1
2. članak / article Effects of tourism on residents' quality of life in Saudi Arabia: an empirical study ...
Khizindar, Tariq M.. Effects of tourism on residents' quality of life in Saudi Arabia: an empirical study / Tariq M. Khizindar. - 2012. // Journal of hospitality marketing & management. Vol. 21 (2012), No. 5-6
3. članak / article Residents' attitudes towards tourism impacts: a case study of Shiraz, Iran ...
Aref, Fariborz. Residents' attitudes towards tourism impacts: a case study of Shiraz, Iran / Fariborz Aref. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 15 (2010), No. 2
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