Garcia, Dolores
      The direct and combined effects of training on hotel performance / Dolores Garcia, Maria Tugores.

KST: 2221; KST: 133-4; KST: 131; KST: 1023ES
* hotelijerstvo * zaposlenici u ugostiteljstvu * obrazovanje, cjeloživotno učenje, e-učenje * Španjolska
* znanstveni članak
* core stakeholder behaviour * decision mechanism * game theory * tourism community * sustainable development * Qincheng Mountain

* hotel industry * employees in catering industry * education, lifelong learning, e-learning * Spain

1. Tugores, María

U: Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 21 (2015), No. 6. - 1189-1205.
Vol. 21 (2015), No. 6