Tigre Moura, Francisco
      Localizing cultural values on tourism destination websites: the effects on users' willingness to travel and destination image / Francisco Tigre Moura, Juergen Gnoth, Kenneth R. Deans.

KST: 733; KST: 332; KST: 4222; KST: 432; KST: 106; KST: 1043; KST: 1042
* web stranice * turistička destinacija * image i marka (brand) * turizam i kultura, umjetnost * Australija i Oceanija * Sjeveroistočna Azija * Južna i Srednja Azija
* znanstveni članak
* destination websites * website localization * website design * cultural values

* web pages * tourist resorts * image and brand * tourism and culture, arts * Australia and Oceania * North-East Asia * South and Central Asia

1. Gnoth, Juergen
2. Deans, Kenneth R.

U: Journal of travel research. Vol. 54 (2015), No. 4. - 528-542.
Vol. 54 (2015), No. 4