Chang, Shu-Hua
      Building a total customer experience model: applications for the travel experiences in Taiwan's creative life industry / Shu-Hua Chang, Rungtai Lin.

KST: 3223-1-1; KST: 712; KST: 1043
* ponašanje i iskustvo potrošača * turistička statistika - teorija i metodološki problemi * Sjeveroistočna Azija
* znanstveni članak
* experience economy * theory of planned behaviour * creative life industry * total customer experience

* consumer behaviour and experience * tourism statistics - theory and methodological problems * North-East Asia

1. Lin, Rungtai

U: Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 32 (2015), No. 3-4. - 438-453.
Vol. 32 (2015), No. 3-4