Morosan, Cristian
      Understanding the benefit of purchasing ancillary air travel services via mobile phones / Cristian Morosan.

KST: 2254; KST: 733-2; KST: 732; KST: 1051
* zračni promet * umjetna inteligencija, video konferencije, virtualni svijet, roboti, mobilna tehnologija, GPS, e-mail, chat, igrice za mobilne telefone * elektroničko poslovanje * Sjeverna Amerika
* znanstveni članak
* mobile commerce * ancillary services * perceived benefit * monetary value * air travel

* air transportation * artificial intelligence, video conferences, virtual world, robots, mobile technology, GPS, e-mail, chat, games for mobile phones * e-business * North America

U: Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 32 (2015), No. 3-4. - 227-240.
Vol. 32 (2015), No. 3-4