Kang, Hee Jung (Annette)
      The impact of supervisory support on organizational commitment, career satisfaction, and turnover intention for hospitality frontline employees / Hee Jung (Anette) Kang, Anthony Gatling, Jungsun (Sunny) Kim.

KST: 2221; KST: 2412; KST: 133-5; KST: 1051
* hotelijerstvo * unutarnja organizacija ugostiteljskog poduzeća * posebna pitanja * Sjeverna Amerika
* znanstveni članak
* supervisory support * organizational commitment * career satisfaction * turnover intention * hospitality industry

* hotel industry * internal organization of catering enterprise * special issues * North America

1. Gatling, Anthony
2. Kim, Jungsun (Sunny)

U: Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 14 (2015), No. 1. - 68-89.
Vol.  14 (2015), No. 1