Akoglan Kozak, Meryem
      Service design in hotels: a conceptual review / Meryem Akoglan Kozak, Dilek Acar Gurel.

UDK: 338.488.2:640.41

KST: 2221; KST: 2414; KST: 216-2
* hotelijerstvo * tehničko-tehnološki aspekti ugostiteljskog poduzeća, inovacije, kreativnost * kvaliteta u turizmu
* znanstveni članak
* hotel service operations * service innovation * service design

* hotel industry * technical and technological aspects of catering enterprise, innovations, creativity * quality in tourism

1. Acar Gurel, Dilek

U: Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 63 (2015), No. 2. - 225-240.
Vol. 63 (2015), No. 2