Dredge, Dianne
      Academic agency and leadership in tourism higher education / Dianne Dredge, Christian Schott.

KST: 131-2; KST: 424-11; KST: 131-3; KST: 216-1
* obrazovanje - planovi i programi * turizam i pedagogija * obrazovanje - nastavnici * društveni troškovi
* znanstveni članak
* academic agency * leadership * tourism studies * higher education * social action

* education - plans and programs * tourism and pedagogics * education - teaching faculty * social costs

1. Schott, Christian

U: Journal of teaching in travel & tourism : the official journal of ISTTE - International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators. Vol. 13 (2013), No. 2. - 105-129.
Vol. 13  (2013), No. 2