Cvikl, Helena
      Can mentors of Erasmus student mobility influence the development of future tourism? / Helena Cvikl, Nataša Artič. - 2013.

KST: 131-2; KST: 131-3; KST: 131-4; KST: 215
* obrazovanje - planovi i programi * obrazovanje - nastavnici * obrazovanje - studenti * turizam i regionalni razvoj
* znanstveni članak
* Erasmus * mentor * student * tourism * tourism development

* education - plans and programs * education - teaching faculty * education - students * tourism and regional development

1. Artič, Nataša

U: Tourism and hospitality management OTPIS 2021. Vol. 19 (2013), No. 1. - 83-95.
Vol. 19 (2013), No. 1