Martinez, Patrizia
      Measuring corporate social responsibility in tourism: development and validation of an efficient measurement scale in the hospitality industry / Patricia Martinez, Andrea Perez, Ignacio Rodriguez del Bosque.

KST: 216-1; KST: 2221; KST: 18-18-1; KST: 713; KST: 1023ES
* društveni troškovi * hotelijerstvo * održivi turizam * ankete * Španjolska
* znanstveni članak
* corporate social responsibility * scale development * sustainable development * tourism sector * hospitality industry

* social costs * hotel industry * sustainable tourism * surveys * Spain

1. Perez, Andrea
2. del Bosque, Ignacio Rodriguez

U: Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 30 (2013), No. 3-4. - 365-385.
Vol. 30 (2013), No. 3-4