Agapito, Dora
      The rural village as an open door to nature based tourism in Portugal: the Aledeia da Pedralva case / Dora Agapito, Julio Mendes, Patricia Oom do Valle. - 2012.

UDK: 338.48:179.3(73)

KST: 81-6; KST: 523-1; KST: 1023PT
* ruralni turizam * nacionalni parkovi i posebne kategorije zaštite * Portugal
* znanstveni članak
* rural tourism village * nature-based experiences * sensescapes * Portugal

* rural tourism * national parks and specific categories of protection * Portugal

1. Mendes, Julio
2. Oom do Valle, Patricia

U: Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 60 (2012), No. 3. - 325-338.
Vol. 60 (2012), No. 3