The perceptions of an island community towards cruise tourism: a factor analysis / Juan Gabriel Brida ... [et al.].

UDK: 338.48:629.5(450)

KST: 2253-1; KST: 81-20; KST: 5333-1; KST: 1023--IT
* kružna putovanja * otočni turizam * stavovi lokalnog stanovništva * Italija
* znanstveni članak
* cruise * island * residents' perceptions * correspondence analysis * MANOVA * Italy

* cruising * island tourism * host population attitudes * Italy

1. Brida, Juan Gabriel
2. Del Chiappa, Giacomo
3. Meleddu, Marta
4. Pulina, Manuela

U: Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 60 (2012), No. 1. - 29-42.
Vol. 60 (2012), No. 1