Ong, Beng Soo
      The perceived influence of user reviews in the hospitality industry / Beng Soo Ong.

KST: 733-1; KST: 2121; KST: 663-1
* blog, društvene mreže, sadržaj koji stvara korisnik (UGC) * hotelijerstvo * učinkovitost promocije i usmena promocija
* znanstveni članak
* online consumer reviews * hospitality services * hotel marketing * restaurant reviews * electronic word of mouth communications * social media

* blogs, social networks, user generated content (UGC) * hotel industry * tourism efficacity and word of mouth

U: Journal of hospitality marketing & management. Vol. 21 (2012), No. 5-6. - 463-485.
Vol. 21 (2012), No. 5-6