Millar, Michelle
      Importance of green hotel attributes to business and leisure travelers / Michelle Millar, Karl J. Mayer, Seyhmus Baloglu. - 2012.

KST: 2221; KST: 53; KST: 81-1-2; KST: 81-5; KST: 1051
* hotelijerstvo * ekologija i zaštita okoliša * odmorišni ljetovališni turizam * gradski, kongresni, poslovni turizam * Sjeverna Amerika
* znanstveni članak
* green hotels * green marketing * pro-ecological practices * business travelers * hotel attributes

* hotel industry * ecology and protection of environment * summer-holiday tourism * urban, congress and business tourism * North America

1. Mayer, Karl J.
2. Baloglu, Seyhmus

U: Journal of hospitality marketing & management. Vol. 21 (2012), No. 3-4. - 395-413.
Vol. 21 (2012), No. 3-4