Pabel, Anja
      Dive market segments and destination competitiveness: a case study of the Great Barrier Reef in view of changing Reef ecosystem health / Anja Pabel, Alexandra Coghlan. - 2011.

KST: 81-23-4; KST: 5211-2; KST: 106
* pustolovni turizam (ronjenje, promatranje kitova, ptica) * klima * Australija i Oceanija
* znanstveni članak
* diving * Great Barrier Reef * climate change * environmental perceptions

* adventure tourism (diving, whale-watching, bird-watching) * climate * Australia and Oceania

1. Coghlan, Alexandra

U: Tourism in marine environments. Vol. 7 (2011), No. 2. - 55-66.
Vol.   7 (2011), No.   2