Sohn, Hae-Kyung
      Relationship between HEXACO personality factors and emotional labour of service providers in the tourism industry / Hae-Kyung Sohn, Timothy Jeonglyeol Lee.

KST: 214; KST: 331; KST: 422; KST: 312; KST: 1043
* turizam i zapošljavanje * turistička ponuda - općenito i značajke * psihologija turizma * primjeri * Istočna Azija i Pacifik
* znanstveni članak
* personality factors * emotional labour * service industry

* tourism and employment * tourist supply - general and characteristics * psychology of tourism * examples * East Asia and the Pacific

1. Lee, Timothy Jeonglyeol

U: Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 33 (2012), No. 1. - 116-125.
Vol. 33 (2012), No. 1