Christodoulidou, Natasa
      Travel meta-search: opportunity of threat? / Natasa Christodoulidou, Daniel J. Connolly, Pearl Brewer.

KST: 731; KST: 732; KST: 2221
* rezervacijski i distribucijski sustavi * elektroničko poslovanje * hotelijerstvo
* znanstveni članak
* institutional theory * coercive isomorphism * electronic commerce * global distribution channels * internet distribution channels * travel meta-search * travel intermediaries * online travel agencies (OTAs) * hotel booking * lodging accommodations * case study method

* reservation and distribution systems * e-business * hotel industry

1. Connolly, Daniel J.
2. Brewer, Pearl

U: Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 14 (2009), No. 6. - 821-832.
Vol. 14 (2009), No. 6