Qiao, Guanghui
      A study on inbound tourists' evaluations of Chinese traditional cultural performances as tourism products - the case of the Zen Music Shaolin Grand Ceremony / Guanghui Qiao, Nan Chen, Seok-Chool Kim.

KST: 4221-1; KST: 81-22; KST: 432; KST: 1043
* percepcije * turizam naslijeđa * turizam i kultura, umjetnost * Istočna Azija i Pacifik
* znanstveni članak
* traditional culture * performance * tourism product * evaluation * inbound tourists * Zen Music Shaolin Grand Ceremony

* perceptions * heritage tourism * tourism and culture, arts * East Asia and the Pacific

1. Chen, Nan
2. Kim, Seok-Chool

U: Journal of China tourism research. Vol. 5 (2009), No. 4. - 401-414.
Vol.   5 (2009), No. 4