Wong, Chak-Keung (Simon)
      Work values and their relationships with career choice: a segment-based approach to understanding hospitality and tourism management students in China / Chak-Keung (Simon) Wong, Jing (Gloria) Liu. - 2009.

KST: 131-4; KST: 131-2; KST: 1043
* obrazovanje - studenti * obrazovanje - planovi i programi * Istočna Azija i Pacifik
* znanstveni članak
* work values * career choice intention * cluster analysis * hospitality and tourism students

* education - students * education - plans and programs * East Asia and the Pacific

1. Liu, Jing (Gloria)

U: Journal of China tourism research. Vol. 5 (2009), No. 4. - 339-363.
Vol.   5 (2009), No. 4