Horton, Brett W.
      Wellness: its impact on student grades and imlications for business / Brett W. Horton, Cathleen S. Snyder. - 2009.

KST: 81-4-3; KST: 2411-1; KST: 2411-2
* wellness * produktivnost ugostiteljskog poduzeća * rentabilnost ugostiteljskog poduzeća
* znanstveni članak
* wellness * student success * productivity * profitability * value * GPA

* wellness * productivity of catering enterprise * profitability of catering enterprise

1. Snyder, Cathleen S.

U: Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 8 (2009), No. 2. - 215-233.
Vol.    8 (2009), No. 2