Formica, Sandro
      Strategic destination planning: analyzing the future of tourism / Sandro Formica, Tanvi H. Kothari. - 2008.

KST: 722; KST: 332-2
* društveno-ekonomsko planiranje, prognoziranje i trendovi - metode i instrumenti * turistička destinacija - razni aspekti
* znanstveni članak
* tourism planning * environmental scanning * destination development * think tank * strategic thinking * scenario planning * nominal group technique

* social and economical planning and forecasting, trends - methods and instruments * tourism destination - diverse aspects

1. Kothari, Tanvi H.

U: Journal of travel research. Vol. 46 (2007/08), No. 4. - 355-367.
Vol. 46 (2007/08), No. 4