Brajdić, Igor
      Enhancing the popularity of quantitative methods in tourism over the Internet / Igor Brajdić, Mislav Šimunić.

UDK: 65.012.4:519.8:004.738.5

KST: 73
* informatika i turizam
* znanstveni članak
* information technology * quantitative methods * popularizing * Internet

* tourism and informatics

1. Šimunić, Mislav

U: Tourism and hospitality industry : new trends in tourism and hospitality management : congress proceedings vol. 1 : 17th Biennial International Congress, April 14-16 2004, Opatija / [editor Zoran Ivanović]. - Opatija : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2004. - ISBN 953-6198-45-2. - 75-95.
Tourism and hospitality industry