Busby, Graham
      In Agatha Christie country: resident perception of special interest tourism / Graham Busby, Paul Brunt, Julia Lund. - 2003.

UDK: 338.481.1(410)

KST: 5333-1; KST: 662; KST: 1024GB
* stavovi lokalnog stanovništva * turistička promocija i informiranje - vrste i instrumenti * Velika Britanija
* znanstveni članak * original scientific paper
* tourism * promotion of destination * Agatha Christie * UK

* host population attitudes * tourism publicity and information - forms and instruments * United Kingdom

1. Brunt, Paul
2. Lund, Julia

U: Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 51 (2003), No. 3. - 287-300.
Vol. 51 (2003), No. 3