Tomescu, Ada-Mirela
      The touristics services in Romania and some ethical aspects of consumers protection / Ada-Mirela Tomescu, Elena Botezat.

UDK: 338.48:17(498)

KST: 3223-1-2; KST: 437-1; KST: 1022RO
* zaštita potrošača * etika u turizmu * Rumunjska
* znanstveni članak
* touristic services * consumer protection * compulsory regulations * ethical problems * ethical behavior

* consumer protection * ethics in tourism * Romania

1. Botezat, Elena

U: Tourism and hospitality management OTPIS 2021. Vol. 8 (2002), No. 1-2. - 143-148.
Vol.   8 (2002), No. 1-2