Gountas, John Y.
Symposium on the consumer psychology of travel, hospitality and leisure (CPTHL)
(2 ; Vienna ; 2000)
      A new psychographic segmentation method using Jungian MBTI variables in the tourism industry / John Y. Gountas, Sandra (Carey) Gountas.

KST: 31; KST: 422
* istraživanje tržišta * psihologija turizma
* znanstveni članak * referat na skupu

* market research * psychology of tourism
* personality research * personatype segmentation * tourist typology * Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator

1. Gountas, Sandra (Carey)

U: Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 5 (2000), No. 2-4. - 151-156.
Vol.   5 (2000), No. 2-4