Crouch, Geoffrey I.
Symposium on the consumer psychology of travel, hospitality and leisure (CPTHL)
(2 ; Vienna ; 2000)
      A review of choice modeling research in tourism, hospitality, and leisure / Geoffrey I. Crouch, Jordan J. Louviere. - 2000.

KST: 4221-2; KST: 712
* odluke * turistička statistika - teorija i metododološki problemi
* znanstveni članak * referat na skupu
* choice modeling

* decisions * tourism statistics - theory and methodological problems
* discrete choice analysis * conjoint analysis * stated preference * experimental design * random utility theory * revealed preference

1. Louviere, Jordan J.

U: Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 5 (2000), No. 2-4. - 97-104.
Vol.   5 (2000), No. 2-4