Birdir, Kemal
      Hospitality certification: experiences in North America - international implications / Kemal Birdir, Thomas E. Pearson.

KST: 131; KST: 132; KST: 1051
* obrazovanje, turizam i teorija, istraživanja, obrazovanje , obrazovanje i kadrovi * obrazovne institucije, turizam i teorija, istraživanja, obrazovanje , obrazovanje i kadrovi * Sjeverna Amerika
* znanstveni članak

* education, tourism and theory, research, education , education and human resources * educational institutions, tourism and theory, research, education , education and human resources * North America
* career development * hospitality industry * qualifications * vocational training

1. Pearson, Thpmas E.

U: International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 10 (1998), No. 3. - 116-121.
Vol. 10 (1998), No. 3