Škafar, Alenka
      Overview of tourism statistics at the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia / Alenka Škafar.

UDK: 338.48:331 (497.4)

KST: 712; KST: 1023SV
* turistička statistika - teorija i metododološki problemi * Slovenija
* znanstveni članak
* Zavod za statistiku Republike Slovenije * Federalni zavod za statistiku Švicarske * anketni upitnici * smještajni kapaciteti

* tourism statistics - theory and methodological problems * Slovenia
* Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia * Swiss Federal Statistical Office * sample surveys * accommodation capacities

U: Tourism and hospitality management OTPIS 2021. Vol. 4 (1998), No. 1. - 135-144.
Vol.   4 (1998), No. 1