Martí, Josep Ma
Congress, Leisure, culture and tourism in Europe
(10 ; Dubrovnik ; 1997)
      Training voluntary guides: the cathedral of Barcelona / Josep Ma Martí, Josep Rogué, Jaume Seda.

KST: 131-1; KST: 522-2; KST: 1023ES
* obrazovanje - općenito, turizam i teorija, istraživanja, obrazovanje , obrazovanje i kadrovi * sakralni objekti * Španjolska
* referat na skupu

* education - general, tourism and theory, research, education , education and human resources * temples, shrines * Spain

1. Rogué, Josep
2. Seda, Jaume
3. Congress, European Leisure and Recreation Association (ELRA) (10 ; Dubrovnik ; 1997)

U: Leisure, culture and tourism in Europe : the challenge for reconstruction and modernisation in communities : [10th ELRA Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 29-October 1, 1997 / ed. by Wolfgang Nahrstedt, Tonka Pancic Kombol. - Bielefeld : Institut für Freizeitwissenschaft und Kulturarbeit e.V. (IFKA), 1998. - ISBN 3-926499-39-7. - ISSN k98-182. - , 299-307.
Leisure, culture and tourism in Europe