Jeng, Jiann-Min
      Modeling alternative designs of tourist information centers: an artificial neural network approach / Jiann-Min Jeng, Daniel R. Fesenmaier. - 1995. - 383-390.

Naslov katalogizatora:
* Modeliranje alternativnih turističkih informativnih centara korištenjem nervne mreže

* referat na skupu

* conjoint model * choice modeling * artificial neural networks * back-propagation

1. Fesenmaier, Daniel R.

U: Global tourism: new rules, new strategies : Twenty-sixth annual conference. Acapulco Princess Hotel, Acapulco, Mexico. - Wheat Ridge : Travel and Tourism Research Association, 1995. - ISSN k97-070. - , 383-390.
Global tourism: new rules, new strategies