Berc Radišić, Branka
      Politika hotelskog proizvoda / Branka Berc Radišić. - 1995.

Prijevod naslova:

UDK: 64.024:658.8

KST: 333; KST: 2221
* turističke usluge i proizvodi * hotelijerstvo
* znanstveni članak
* hotelski proizvod * marketing mix * marketing komuniciranje * top manager * operativni management * hotelski management

* tourist services and products * hotel industry
* hotel product * marketing mix * communication * top manager * operational management * hotel marketing

U: Tourism and hospitality management OTPIS 2021. Vol. 1 (1995), No. 1. - 89-93.
Vol.   1 (1995), No. 1