The future of the Northern Ireland accommodation sector / Mervyn D.J. Wilson, S. Roberta Smyth, Anna E. Murray, Margaret A. Black.

KST: 222; KST: 215; KST: 1024GB
* ugostiteljstvo - osnovni kapaciteti * turizam i regionalni razvoj * Velika Britanija
* znanstveni članak

* catering - basic facilities * tourism and regional development * United Kingdom
* hospitality industry * Northern Ireland * tourism

1. Wilson, Mervyn D.J.
2. Smyth, S. Roberta
3. Murray, Anna E.
4. Black, Margaret A.

U: International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 9 (1997), No. 1. - 25-30.
Vol.  9 (1997), No. 1